Speak Code and Enter

I'm a software Engineer with a MERN Stack, Javascript and Python.

My professional head shot

My Name is Andrew

My name is Andrew Anderson, and I'm a Full Stack Engineer with a passion for creating innovative and effective software solutions, and teaching software engineering. With a background in management and fraud prevention, I decided to transition to software engineering and completed the Full Stack Engineering and Python courses at NuCamp.

My background in the comic book industry as a creator and collaborator has taught me valuable skills in storytelling, teamwork, and creativity, which I apply to my work in software engineering. I have had the highest selling comic book at Guardian Knights Comics with Gears and Bones , and have worked with high-profile writers and artists, including Chuck Dixon, James Hudnall, Ron McCain, and Sergio Cariello.

I bring years of creative problem solving and unique ways to attack problems that arise. I believe in creating and stacking skill trees to raise value to myself. With a focus on both front-end and back-end development, I am skilled in React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Python.

I am passionate about continuously learning and improving my skills. In my spare time, I enjoy participating in online coding challenges and building personal projects to expand my knowledge and understanding of the latest technologies.

Thank you for taking the time to read my bio, and I look forward to connecting with like-minded professionals in the industry.

A Project Based on my time as a movie manager

I wanted to learn to code better, so I came up with an idea for a game inspired by my love of the story behind "Stardew Valley" and the game it self. I approached an Artist I knew and behold, "Matinee Madness" was born.

What I Do

As a full-stack engineer, I possess a wide range of skills in both front-end and back-end technologies, but I tend to focus more on the latter. However, I'm always looking to expand my skill set and stay up-to-date with emerging technologies. That's why I'm currently learning how to use Python for analyzing baseball statistics. You can find some of my projects on my GitHub profile, which you can access by clicking "Learn More".

Free Classes

I teach a free workshop, usually once a month, which you can access by clicking "Learn More". It will take you to my EventBrite page.

Get in touch

I'd love to hear from you. If you're a fan of my comics, need a website built, program written, or just want to chat, I'd love to speak with you.